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トロント キッズ スポーツ 習い事

J Athletics Canada は次の目標を掲げ、未来のスポーツクラブを設立しました。





③J Athletics Canada から 未来の日系、日本社会で活躍できる人材育成をスポーツを通して行う。

J Athletics Canadaはスポーツ、フィットネス、健康をはじめとする様々なスポーツのポジティブな教育的側面を重視し、スポーツの取り組みを行う団体です。JFT(Japanese Football club of Toronto)で2006年よりサッカースクール代表・コーチを務めていた海上誠を発起人とし、今後様々な年代の方々がスポーツを身近に親しめる環境を整えることを目的としています。


トロントGTA内に在住するキッズからシニアまでの多世代が自分のレベルに合わせ、多角的にスポーツを 身近に捉え、多世代間の交流をスポーツで行うことを目指しつつ、スポーツを通じた地域のづくりをもとに未来の日本・日系コミュニティーに還元できるキッズの育成のお手伝いをいたします。


J Athletics Canada


​Makoto Unagami

福島県生まれ 埼玉県育ち

Workplace Safety & Prevention Service 

Ontario Certified member 保有





社会人 : 川口バブルスSC

​アディダスカナダ 所属

Came to Toronto in 2004, and in 2006 became involved in establishing JFT. Was one of the main coordinators for Toronto’s first Japanese soccer school for young boys and girls. The JFT soccer school that only started out with 7 students has now come into its 13 year and starting this year is aiming to change from just a soccer school to a regional comprehensive sports club. Including the graduates, the group has grown to have more than 100 participants. He is happy to see the students grow overtime, as well as sees himself enjoy soccer even more after moving to Canada.

Greeting from the Representative

We will create an environment where kids will be able to love and have passion for soccer as well as nurture the idea of “wanting to get better”. The basic principle of J Athletics Canada is to get all participants to love sports. In order to do that, the coaches, and the management team will aim to create an environment that everyone would want to get involved in through sports, fitness, and so on. We have all experienced losing and have faced difficult and impossible tasks, but when you get over all those things you start to realize the enjoyment and the possibility for improvement. These things are what increases a player’s capacity and speed to grow and get better. As the ones teaching and coaching the players, we believe that our job is to increase the opportunities where players can find themselves enjoying and loving the sport.


As well, in order to have our kids, junior, and youth level players to growth, we need the full support of the parents. We thank all parents who have dealt with things far more difficult than us coaches such as purchasing the required gear, transportation to practice, and the player’s mental care. 


About our logo 


我々 J Athletics Canadaでも季節、場所、年齢、性別問わず一人ひとりが永くスポーツへの関わりを生み出したいという思いを込め、「丸に橘」をモチーフにした紋のロゴを採用しました。同時に、ここカナダの地から我々の活動を発信できるよう日本・英語表記を採用しております。

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